Friday 10 February 2012

ARRGGHH!!!! Upset :-(

So I'm sat at home waiting for my bf to come in from work, lookin forward to it soooooooooo much because I've had such a rough day and I've been looking forward to Friday evening ALL week. Anyway, he finishes at 4 and then he was guna go and see his dad for an hour and then come home so he should've been back by half 5. Anyway, I just got a text from him saying he doesn't know what time he'll be home cos he's scared to leave his dad on his own.

I'm sorry if any of this next bit sounds selfish, I know it probably makes me sound like a bitch but I just need to vent. Ok, I know his dad suffers from depression and gets really bad, especially when he's been drinking, but my bf spend literally all his teenage years looking after him and coming home to find him attempting suicide, and I think it robbed him of so much. I worry about him every time that he goes round there because his dad sucks him back into that world and I know that he feels really guilty for moving out but he's 26 years old and he's the youngest of 3 brothers and he still gets lumbered with all the responsibility of looking after him. I completely understand that his dad needs help but it's NOT Dave's job to be his constant carer and its not fair that he makes him feel guilty for not being there 24/7 watching him. He's never been the father in their relationship and it's always fallen on Dave to be the responsible person.

I guess the selfish part is that I know his dad is most likely having a serious depressive episode and needs help, but I'm just so upset that today has just gone so wrong and I cannot cope when plans go so wrong. I was just so looking forward to my bf coming home and us having a nice relaxing evening and now it's ruined and I know that he's going to come in later so depressed and drained from his dad dragging him down and it's just going to ruin the whole weekend. I'm so angry and annoyed and upset and I'm worried about him and I wish he'd just come straight home from work. I hate not knowing what's going on, my anxiety just cannot handle in and my brain starts racing to all the worst case scenarios. I think I need to go and just have a bit of a cry or something.

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