Sunday 26 February 2012

A Streetcar Named Desire.

OUCH!!! I've just finished working out like a crazy person and my arms are literally shaking so much I'm finding it hard to type, but I just wanted to update quickly while I have half an hour to myself. I know that working out so hard isn't so good from the ED point of view BUT I'm having a good weekend food wise in the sense that I haven't binged or purged, but I've eaten sensibly and I had a lot of energy so I wanted to work out. This week has been pretty good food and working out wise, I've been healthy and not purged once!!! But I've been working out hard every day instead and I feel sooooo much better for it!

The bf and I went to see 'A Streetcar named Desire' by Tennesee Williams at the theatre last night. It was brilliant! It was 3 hours long and even I managed to sit mostly still through the whole thing. I didn't know the story at all until I quickly read the synopsis yesterday (the bf got the tickets because he really wanted to see it) and even though the story is kinda grim, its just a brilliant story about people and their struggles in life. There's a film as well which apparantly is very good, so I would highly recommend it if it comes to a theatre near you :-).

So yeah, I just wanted to quickly update really and say that things are going pretty well, better than the last couple of weeks anyway. I've been eating healthily, working out and feeling better about myself. I've got lots of things I want to do this week and I'm feeling really positive about getting things going in my life. We've been talking a lot in college about the trip that we make at the end of the year. I cant wait! There's a big theme park in England called Alton Towers and every year the UK's biggest Bakery and Cake convention is held there in June. So we get to go to Alton Towers for the weekend, go to the convention, enter our competition cakes into the different competition catergories, and there's a black tie ball as well. It sounds amazing and, even though my anxiety is absolutely screaming in panic, I'm determined to get myself to a point where I can go and really enjoy myself.

Right, it's definitely time for a brew and then the bf should be home soon and we're going to have a movie evening. Think the new Muppets film and The Artist are on the list first :-) Hope you're all having a lovely weekend x

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